Enterprise Collaboration

Enterprise Collaboration


Enterprise Collaboration refers to use of technology to solve business problems by optimizing interaction through-out the organizational network. There are several world-wide trends that are increasing the need for organizations to make collaboration a strategic priority. The information explosion makes it almost impossible for any one person, perhaps any one company, to synthesize, process and effectively use the volume of information that is available to most organizations today. It is estimated that 4 exabytes of unique information will be generated this year, that is more than in the previous 5,000 years. Collaboration has become essential to make sense of it all.

Another trend that is driving us to collaborate is the increasing complexity of our world. The amount of technical information available is doubling every two years, this means that for a college student taking a four year technical degree that half of what they learn in their first year will be outdated by their third year. Collaboration is becoming essential to help piece all bits together.

The Global financial crisis while we hope it is a blip in our economic history very soon, it will likely have long lasting effects in the business world. To survive the crisis many companies have asked their employees to do more with less and to be more productive. Collaboration between teams and between companies may be a way to achieve greater productiveness without increased cost.

Rockland System Solutions can help your organization find strategic advantage and ROI on collaboration efforts through:

  • Team Sites
  • Portals
  • Blogs
  • Wikis
  • Workflow
  • People Search